Alaska Fishing 101
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- Before you cast your first hook, a fishing license is a must. But don’t worry, there’s no test required and it’s quite easy to purchase. A quick trip to Fred Meyer or a local outdoors store, such as Mountain View Sports or Bass Pro Shops, can get you ready for a day on the water. You can also obtain a license online or purchase one at a number of our lodges. A nonresident annual license will run you about $145, but there is also the option of purchasing one- and three-day licenses. If you plan on fishing for king salmon, be sure to purchase a king salmon stamp, otherwise you won’t be permitted to keep the fish.
- Now that you’re legal, you’re going to need some gear. Depending on what you’re fishing for, you’ll need a different type of rod, reel, line and tackle. You also may want to consider waders and a chest pack for easy access to your gear. Stores around Alaska such as Bass Pro Shops, Cabela’s, Mountain View Sports and Frontier Outfitters can get you set up, and the employees are generally avid fishing buffs who will tell you exactly what you need. If you plan on taking a fishing charter, chances are everything will be ready for you ahead of time and all you’ll need to do is show up and land the big one!
- The next step is to get fishing. You can either head out on your own or opt for the helping hand of one of the many fishing guides or charters across the state. At Princess Alaska Lodges, we have many exciting fishing excursions available with full- and half-day options. Try salmon fishing by raft at the Copper River Princess, sportfishing on the Talkeetna River at the McKinley Princess or salmon fishing in the Upper Kenai at the Kenai Princess. If you’re on your own, the state is teeming with fish in lakes and rivers and chances are good that there will be excellent fishing wherever you are visiting.
- Depending on what you’re fishing for, there will always be an ideal location and time in the season to go. This site is a fantastic tool for checking fish availability all over the state, in fresh and salt water, throughout the entire year. If you’re after halibut, you’ll need a boat to get out into open water where the fishing is best.
After a day of fishing, there’s no better way to wind down than with a cold drink out on one of our incredible decks, enjoying another seemingly endless summer day.